30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
Not happy with the purchase? No problem!
Most items include a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.
If you are not happy with your purchase, then it's time to set up a return.
To start the return process please get in touch:
email: mycherryhillyardsale@gmail.com.
Once your return is approved,
you'll be able to return your item for a refund.
Return Description: Most items are approved right away. You ship it back and you get refunded. No problem. Item must be returned the same way it was received. Sealed items must not be open. No returns accepted on broken sealed items. Item must be returned within the 30 Day Return Period.
Timing: This is a 30 Day Guarantee. Once your item is received, the 30 Day Guarantee begins.
Reason for return: You don't have to state why you are returning it, but in order to improve customer satisfaction it would be helpful to indicate why you decided to return the item. Again, this is optional.
Multiple Returns: Multiple returns are not allowed on this site nor is return abuse. In an effort to reduce return abuse, Customers are limited to multiple purchase and multiple returns on this site and are also limited in the dollar amount for such purchases and returns as well. Cherry Hill Yard Sale, LLC. Cherry Hill Goods Reserves the right to reject or accept any returns for this reason.
Looking forward to servicing you and thank you for your purchase !